My young Ragavendra swami (full view)

Dr.Rekha Shetty's picture
About My young Ragavendra swami (full view) : PRINT

I always imagine ragavendra swami how he must be looking when he was in his thirties or forties .We always gets his picture with white beard .So I tried to paint my young Ragavendra swami. Once again sorry may be resolution of my mobile camera is less hence I am unable to click full proper photo

Rangoli: My young Ragavendra swami (full view)


Dr.Rekha Shetty's picture

Let my Ragavedra Swami bless all the members and their family

umaraja's picture

young swamiji looks still more divine rekha

lakshmiraghu's picture

Rekhaji..lovely creation....looks small suggestion next time put gandha,akasthe to Brindhavana also it will look more natural...i think...

dibbutn's picture

Looking divine

Dr.Rekha Shetty's picture

maam i have already put thr ghanda to brindavan .as imentioned i was unable to click proper photograph of this painting.I will try once again to click

sumagramesh's picture

what is swamji looking at? blessing some where, looking some where? i think he is worried about the cow behind him.

subashini's picture

very nice.

jkmrao's picture

Good work and I agree with lakshmI ma'am's suggestions. It is possible that rAghavEndra svAmi did have black or at least salt-and-pepper beard when he took sanyAsa. That must be during his forties, I believe. His tragic personal life always fascinates me. Why did he abandon his wife? Who is responsible - he or his guru? Looking from her point of view, what is the use of having an erudite husband, if she had to give up all her claims for the perceived good of others? I am lost in my train of thoughts and feel sad.

Regards! - mOhana

smahalakshmi's picture

Very nice painting.


vijaysowmya's picture

very excellent painting Rekhaji....

kameswari's picture

Nice creation Rekha Mam.

aditya's picture

lovely work and great imagination too!!

Dr.Rekha Shetty's picture

suma he his looking at me though you r in front but blessing both of us

indu.rkc's picture


anirudh's picture

jayajaya he gurusaarvabhovma!!! ...very divine...good work

Vinci's picture

Good painting work..

ammuchandhini's picture

Lovely painting rekha mam...and thanks a tonne for ur prayers....

Dr.Rekha Shetty's picture

Laxmi maam what is vrandhavana .Is it the black portion on my painting .Please let me know so that i can improve my painting as it was my dream to paint a big picture of my Ragavendra swami one day