Madam, looks like your ikolam needs a good dose of thinking power to get drawn, I see letters A, M and K with a Swastik pattern in the center. Are these letters special to you in some way, or are these randomly chosen?
Very pretty, like a mat.
I see all the letters, little i in red is at the four edges touching the borders.
K is in cyan, O is the little white rangOli above M. I see two L's - one
attaching itself to K and the svAstika itself is made of four L's, like my
four Tamil Ta's, A and M are prominently seen. rAjammAji, very thoughtful.
Why don't you try all in sequence? Regards! - mOhana
Tue, 2009-02-03 17:31
Rajamma madam, what a thought!!!
Tue, 2009-02-03 17:46
Madam, looks like your ikolam needs a good dose of thinking power to get drawn, I see letters A, M and K with a Swastik pattern in the center. Are these letters special to you in some way, or are these randomly chosen?
Tue, 2009-02-03 17:55
Very pretty, like a mat.
I see all the letters, little i in red is at the four edges touching the borders.
K is in cyan, O is the little white rangOli above M. I see two L's - one
attaching itself to K and the svAstika itself is made of four L's, like my
four Tamil Ta's, A and M are prominently seen. rAjammAji, very thoughtful.
Why don't you try all in sequence? Regards! - mOhana
Tue, 2009-02-03 18:18
Oh now I see it, I couldn't see the i, and the L which was attached to the swastik...I didn't know if it was L or just an extension to the swastik.
Thank you so much!
Sat, 2009-02-07 07:43
Rajamma Sitaraman ,oh! nice one good ikolam rangoli.good is also usefull to ikolam site .