My 100th kolam in ikolam

abhijith's picture
About My 100th kolam in ikolam : PRINT

Rangoli Dotted Kolam (connected dots): My 100th kolam in ikolam by abhijith

Rangoli: My 100th kolam in ikolam


abhijith's picture

Smile Very happy to upload my 100th kolam today...Thanks to ikolam admin and all my friends
in ikolam for this continuous support and encouragement........ :love: Smile Smile

Durgadeviramesh's picture

abhi mam congrats for century kolam :love: :love:

abhijith's picture

Smile Thanksssssss :love:

vasumathy sathish's picture

Congrats abhi mam. This kolam is so beautiful and very different.
:crown: :star: :star: :star:

abhijith's picture

Smile Thanksssssss Smile

ananthiraju's picture

Congrats for century that too within a period of 29 days.Beautiful colour kolam.One small request,mention the dots count of connecting the dots kolams.

abhijith's picture

Thanks maa...The dot count is 21-11 intermediate dots maa Smile :love: