Murukku Kolam

Lata's picture
About Murukku Kolam : PRINT

Here is a dotted kolam from my folder. I call it "Murukku" kolam. Smile
Murukku experts; did I burn mine?

Rangoli: Murukku Kolam


indira sundar's picture

Murukku kolam is very nice...
But you did not draw this by murukku maavu..

Lata's picture

No Indra, this was made a long time back in Photoshop, so no murukku maavu in it. I guess I'm just thinking of Diwali a little too early. Smile

Purni's picture

Sure looks tasty & crispy, Lataji....... Would wish you a Happy Diwali later, but as of now, Wishing You & Your Family a very Happy Vijayadashami..... Smile

subashini's picture

your embossed murukku kolam is super, latha.அப்படியே எடுத்து வேறு இடத்தில் வைத்து விடலாம் போலே இருக்கிறது .அழகு கோலம் போட்ட லதாவுக்கு ஒரு ஜே போடலாமா?

dibbutn's picture

Tasty muruku kolam lata ma'am... only wish they were as tasty as they are beautiful Smile

judelined's picture

Wonderful 3D effect Lata - it looks so cool and lovely - I like the colour combination very much Smile

rajamma_2's picture

Lata, Murukku kolam is crispy and I love the 3D effect and the soft color.

lakshmiraghu's picture

Lata it looks crispy