Merry X'mas!

rajamma_2's picture
About Merry X'mas! : PRINT

Hello friends, wanted to wish you all Merry X'mas and A Happy New year. No time to draw big kolam like our friend Lakshmi, at the same time wanted to wish you through a visual. The cake is missing? Oh I have already sent it to Lata.

Rangoli: Merry X'mas!


Lata's picture

Lovely rangoli as usual! I see some 3d objects in your rangoli (I'm sure Sahana has helped you with it). Thank you for the cake Rajamma mam', it was very delicious and our whole family enjoyed it! Wish you a happy new year too!

ashanagendra's picture

it looks great!!! rajamma mam the way u have designed the tree,stars&the cross looks very nice.

lakshmiraghu's picture

Rajamma Madam,
This has comeup good... Hope gift is for us ( not for Lata ) as she has already received cake.

subashini's picture

Thank you for the gift Rajamma Madam .

julien's picture

Rajama mam your everyone is the best one... lovely super........

ammuchandhini's picture

Wow...what an idea rajamma mam...ur finger tip technique in bringing out this greetings has come out so so beautifully... Smile

vijaysowmya's picture

Very pretty Rajamma mam...nice snow effect...