Margazhi Kanu pongal

chandy's picture
About Margazhi Kanu pongal : PRINT

Traditional kolam usually drawn the next day of Shankranthi. Learnt from my sis-in-law

Rangoli: Margazhi Kanu pongal


Rajusree's picture

Good kolam. Is there any reason for drawng this?

sreegiri's picture

Yes,this is the kolam drawn on the next day of Shankranthi (Thai pongal). Nice kolam.

umamohan.krishnan's picture

Arsimavu kolam with kavi border is really superb...

dibbutn's picture

Chandy maam beautiful padikolam... the red and white beauty is really good...

rajamma_2's picture

Nice padikolam, neatly drawn.

sudhabalakrishnan's picture

simple padikolam looks very bright with the kavi border.

lakshmiraghu's picture

very nice kola kaavi gives rich look to this

judelined's picture

Hey Chandy - this is really cute Smile

umaraja's picture

chandy mam, ur work looks highly traditional,gud job

ramhsudha's picture

hi everybody,i'm new to this site and this site is very interesting.this kolam we call it as manjapaathi kolam. when i went thru the comments i felt as if people are talking to each other.I would also like to upload some of my traditional kolams. can I? I have a collection of traditional kolams and other new year and pongal kolams

Lata's picture

I'm glad you like our site. And yes, our members are friendly, helpful, and also hilarious people who like to have fun while exchanging ideas with one another. We have many members who have been friends with other members for years in this site (myself included). Smile
We would love to see your kolams as well, so please upload them here for all to enjoy. You could use the following link to upload your rangolis and/or craft works: