Marappachi Dolls and Kuthuvilaakku

madhuharini's picture
About Marappachi Dolls and Kuthuvilaakku : PRINT

In golu I couldnt create park and other things.My grand child Nithila was quite but i afraid of using sand and clay.So our this time special is Lakshmi and Saraswathi Comes in Kuthuvilakku,Parvathi Avagana in Kalasa.

Rangoli: Marappachi Dolls and Kuthuvilaakku


vijaysowmya's picture

very nice decoration...lovely saraswathi and lakshmi dolls

indira sundar's picture

Lovely God dols-Indira Sundar

toindhu's picture

very nice creations. the marappchis in the backgroun looks nice too put a close up of that too maam.

malar anand's picture

nice mam

judelined's picture

Nice set of marapaachi dolls Smile