Mango Leaves - 4
About Mango Leaves - 4 : PRINT
Mango takes me back to my childhood. I remember the days when every Friday
my father will decorate the front door with fresh leaves and a toraNa. Then there
was always this pUja or that pUja with kalaSam full of leaves. Then the countless
varieties of pickles my mother used to make to last the whole year. jADis full of
aavakAya, mAgAya, meMtikAya, etc. Then the fruits of various varieties, the
rasAlu, the nIlam, the baMganapalli, the pasaMds, etc. Where have those days
gone, those sweet days when there was nothing to care about except school. Gone
are they, gone are the parents, gone are the sisters, gone are the friends.
Nothing but memories in a foreign land whre the mango tastes like anything but a
Regards! - mOhana

Mon, 2009-04-13 17:17
The hexagon rangoli and criss-cross checkered ones look very nice. The one in the middle which almost looks like a honey-combed design reminds me of a beaded coaster I used a long time ago. The mango stack makes me want to go to costco to get a carton for myself.
I'm reminded of an experience that is similar to yours. The mango pickle pot (mangoes that are soaked in brine and dried) was the first thing I raided in my grandma's store-room the minute we landed in her house, every summer. She had many kinds of mango trees and tamarind trees in her backyard. She used to hire people to cut the basket loads of mangoes. Some of them would be kept hidden in the rice containers, to hasten the ripening process, for timed use. It was fun to watch so much importance given to mangoes and tamarinds in her household. I named one of her tamarind trees as "sweet puli", it was sweet and tasty to eat.
Speaking of tamarind pods, have you ever played with some, or eaten any? Tamarind flowers are good too!
The last part of your writing makes me sad. You have so many mangoes here, how can any one not think of mango juice? I remember a funny episode that happened in my neighbor's (Maya) house, in Sulur (Coimbatore) a long time ago. Maya's mom had bought a new blender (a Sumeeth mixie), and they wanted to make juice for the first time using mangoes. So, they invited some of the neighbor kids too (Maya's friends), and had a good audience for the demo in their kitchen. My mom and I were chatting outside their house, and anticipated some "yummy" comments from their kitchen. After a while we noticed that Maya's house was unusually quite. A few minutes later, one by one the kids started coming out silently, with mango juice dripping from their faces! It was a hilarious scene!
You can guess what must've happened. The mom forgot to cover the mixie with the lid before she gave it a "Go"! :0
Tue, 2009-04-14 02:15
Dear one,
You are living in foreign country thinking of mango. We are here. But cannot eat too much mango as per your discrptions because my husband is a sugar patient. I cannot eat sweets leaving him alone. So there is a dream in everybodys mind whereever we live.
Tue, 2009-04-14 07:34
Why not have an ikolam meet with mOhanaji in India during mango season, with items made ONLY using mango?
Mavilai thoranam, maavilai+poo kolam, poorna-kumbam to receive, feast with mango pachadi, mango rice, mango icecream,vadu-maanga......Yummy!
Tue, 2009-04-14 08:02
mohanaji. I could feel the longing you have.
My sister had a mango farm house in Malampuzha(Palghat) and they had almost all verieties of mango trees there. during summer we all visit them and eat mango for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Inbetween for snacks also mango only. to avoid the heat we drink lot of milk or buttermilk. Each one had a different style of eating. Some will sqeeze the mango with the skin intact, make a hole at the top and drink the pulp. some remove the skin, cut it into small piece and with fork eat slowly. some will cut the two sides and with a spoon scoop the fruit pulp and eat.... Oh! all the memories are as sweet as the mangos.
Tue, 2009-04-14 11:20
JKM, Lata, Viji, Jaya & Rajamma so many variety of thoughts - just like the variety of mangoes...
Tue, 2009-04-14 18:45
King of fruit !! this what you have proved in your design with King and their family of their member .... you just made to rember this... Chennai is flooded with this fruit...