Mahashivarathri Rangoli

brindhanagesh's picture


Lata's picture

Jai Shiva Shankar Bhagwan!!

rajamma_2's picture

Namo Nama Shankara Paarvatheepyaam!

jkmrao's picture

Nice brindAjI. I like the way in which Siva is depicted in a Sankha.
The triSUla behind pArvati too is impressive. The snakes and
Dhamaruka too have come out nicely. If you don't mind, you
seem to have interchanged the colours of Siva and pArvati. Siva (except
for his neck) is fair complexioned and pArvati (vishNu's sister) is
dark. Where is subrahmaNya? Regards! - mOhana

Lata's picture

I learned something new today mOhanaji, I was under the impression that Shivji is dark complexioned (not just the neck part, but until the neck), and Goddess Parvathiji is fair.

jkmrao's picture

We have the famous prayer to SyAmalA, mAtA marakataSyAmA
(dark like the precious stone marakata) mAtaMgI madhuSAlinI.
SyAmalA also means dark. SyAmA means night. SyAmakaMtha
means Siva, also a peacock whose neck is blue.

Regards! - mOhana

lakshmiraghu's picture

Brindha nice one..
Kailasava gowrisha Isha
Thaila dhare yanthe manasu kodo hariyalli..

indira sundar's picture

Mam very nice ....

priya rao's picture

are you an artist???? all your rangolis are nice.

anirudh's picture

wow...very nice...thanks for the Kailash Darshan...very much ideal for MahaShivaraathri...thanks for sharing

mOhanaji...SubrahmaNya has left to round the Universe (Prapancha Paryatane) on his peacock Smile

brindhanagesh's picture

Thank you all for the nice little explanations. No, I am not an artist Priya rao. I just learned this myself and try my hands at different types of hand work.