Lamp & Mango

nithyaashok's picture


jayamohan's picture

Quite nice! Problem of symmetry is there. It must e six or eight-fold. not seven.

Vinci's picture

Neat strokes.. Lamps are glowing too bright... Nice try,,

Rajusree's picture

Nice rangoli. One of the petal is missing some decoration. Otherwise it's beautfiul.

rajamma_2's picture

Nithya, I think it is vadumanga kolam. So many bull's faces staring at us inbeteen diyas?

ammuchandhini's picture

nice kolam nithya thank u for d kaccha aam design or so as it looks to me

judelined's picture

Cute design Nithya - but why did you leave it incomplete?? One petal needs some more attention Smile

alameluranganath's picture

the outer border looks like owls face. very nice nithya

jkmrao's picture

Very good work. There is nothing wrong in the symmetry. Individual isolated patterns can have any-fold symmetry. If one wants to translate them in plane or space, they must have two, three, four or six fold symmetries. My only problem is, why is this incomplete in the northeast corner? Did somebody call or did you run out of the powder Smile

Regards! - mOhana

dibbutn's picture

Nithya maam nicely drawn kolam with lamps, ya paavam that petal feels left out

Vasi's picture

neat and cute.