Kuzhal Kolam

nithyaashok's picture
About Kuzhal Kolam : PRINT

I am very poor in drawing kolams with kuzhal, but still, i tried this oneday, though it didn't come out well, but still i want to share it with ikolam friends.

Rangoli: Kuzhal Kolam


Lata's picture

Not bad Nithya. You've chosen a nice pattern to make. And it takes guts to upload work which you think is not good. Smile

rajamma_2's picture

Nithya, With kuzhal I too tried so many times with out success and no guts to send it for taste.Here I like your design, u have done relatively a good job.( do not compare with others, keep trying.(Only the 3 ezhai is bothering me a little)

ammuchandhini's picture

hai nithya...same thing here also...but urs has come out decently good...as rajammaji says u could've done it as a four lined or some even lines...

sreegiri's picture

It is a nice kolam and it looks beautiful.

dibbutn's picture

Nithya maam your kuzhal kolam has come out very good for ur first trial.. the kuzhal design is also very good

anirudh's picture

good try Nityaji...just the center needs some alignment...next time it will be better

alameluranganath's picture

very nice one ikolam. it is very nice.

brindhanagesh's picture

This is really neat Nithya. By practice you will get it right. Instead of making three lines why don't you try single first so that you can make it much better? Choose a kuzhal having enough space in between the dotted lines not a closer one. That will give a better look to the design.

judelined's picture

Hey Nithya - neat job actually - only if you look at it deeply can you find out the flaws. Don't worry dear you have done justice to this one I think Smile

nithyaashok's picture

Thank you everybody for the positive encouragement, i assure that i will drawn like brindha mam, oneday,