Kuzhal Kolam

P.Veni's picture


Padma Prakash's picture

Very nice pink and white beauty with a little touch of kavi.

nithyaashok's picture

Lovely kuzhal kolam with pink outerlines

Vinci's picture

Beautiful creation in Kuzhal, the pink outlines look Prettier, and Kaavi on the outer, Hope you have influenced by Rani.

kalpu..'s picture

lovely kuzhal kolam..

rajamma_2's picture

Two kuzhal kolams today both looking entirely different but pretty in their own style.

ushavenkatesh's picture

nice kuzhal kolam veni

judelined's picture

Very pretty kuzhal kolam Veni. The pink is very pretty but the kaavi outline looks very dull - maybe you should have used pink for the outside border also??

bsindhuja's picture

Beautiful kuzhal kolam! The bright pink makes your kolam look very very pretty.

dibbutn's picture

Veni maam all ur kolams are good, be it the beautiful chikku kolams or the attractive kuzhal kolams... this one looks good too, except perhaps, i would have preferred a pink outline instead of the kaavi one

jasree's picture

Lovely kuzhal kolam veni... The pink outline adds more pretty to your kolam....

jkmrao's picture

Pretty transformation from one medium to another Smile

Regards! - mOhana

Suguna Murugesan's picture

wow excellent veni! suguna murugesan

ammuchandhini's picture

Lovely kuzhal kolam veni...

lakshmiraghu's picture

looks pretty...pink kaavi looks nice

Radhikha 3's picture

very nice one

sreegiri's picture

nice kuzhal kolam.

Pragaya's picture

Nice and neat kuzhal kolam. Pink lines are good.

umaraja's picture

pink kaavi white all blend with each other and give a difrnt outcome

vijaysowmya's picture

Very pretty kuzhal kolam veni....very neatly drawn and the pink goes well with this kolam.

Meenakshy's picture

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