
r.suganthy's picture
About Kolam : PRINT

This also drawn on Margazhi morning.Use only two colours for beautiful look.

Rangoli: Kolam


anirudh's picture

nice cotton flowers...isn't this dotted? 13X7?

judelined's picture

Correct Anirudh Smile Pretty cotton flowers Suganthy. Imagine if we could grow the real cotton in different colours like this, then no need to struggle with dye Blum 3

ammuchandhini's picture

lovely kolam suganthy mam

viji_j86's picture

Since i am from Coimbatore, the kolam looks like paruthi poo.(Cotton flower)

alameluranganath's picture

nice one and colorful

lakshmiraghu's picture

ur kolam Looks different ...keep it up.

dibbutn's picture

Suganthy maam this is beautiful but you have forgotten to join one of the flowers in the top left corner... I guess it fell off from the stem...