kitchen top kolam

rajamma_2's picture
About kitchen top kolam : PRINT

white and brown kolapodi used for this 9-5(inbetween dots) kolam. I donot think u can locate any living creatures in this.

Rangoli: kitchen top kolam


Sumathi.v's picture

Rajammaji I can see some snails and sarpams moving round and round

Lata's picture

What Sumathi sees, is what I see too, and some worms Smile

snail worm

jkmrao's picture

This looks very nice on the dark background. The rangOli is coming alive with beauty Smile

Regards! - mOhana

lakshmiraghu's picture

WOW!!! it looks excelent.nice shadings.....

jayamohan's picture

I see some birds too!

judelined's picture

And I can see a beautiful star fish Rajamma Smile

judelined's picture

Is Sarpam otherwise known as Earthworm?? because I see that also.......

Sumathi.v's picture

Sarpam is snake Judy

judelined's picture

Oh ok Sumathi then there is an earthworm there too...

radpri's picture

Very beautiful ...added some new designs....definitely its different....

rajamma_2's picture

Too much imagination!
May be after my stay in S'pore and visits to the food courts there all these creatures have
entered into kolams.
I thought in this kolam I have avoided all the living things and wanted ur approval.So now in future I'll put leaves and flowers only.

Lata's picture

But madam, we like to see these creatures, as well as the flowers/leaves in your kolams.
I am greedy, I want everything! Smile

nithyaashok's picture

Very Nice Mam! But when i tried to draw with the given dots, iam unable to draw kolam, i don't know where to start and how to end, really amazing kolam Mam!

Purni's picture

Its Very Very Beautiful, Rajamma Ma'am....