Karthigai Kolam

r.suganthy's picture


vijaysowmya's picture

lovely arrangement of deepams....the centre one is very nice...

kameswari's picture

So bright. Centre one is Ganesha I feel. It is very attractive.

brindhanagesh's picture

So You made your first Karthigai kolam with Deepams. Very bright and lovely.

lakshmiraghu's picture

Lovely arrangement of deepams

ammuchandhini's picture

Lovely arrangement of diyas suganthy mam...d centre deepam is so lovely....

viji_j86's picture

vilakkal saram....sara villakku.
nice dear.

indu.rkc's picture

centre beauty is soooo cute

Vinci's picture

Nice diya kolam..

dibbutn's picture

Lovely suganthy maam, the deepam in the center takes all the attention.

jayamohan's picture

Suganthy, your arrangement of rows of lamps is pretty! Kolam is not visible!

Lata's picture

Your lamps arrangement in ascending order looks good Suganthy. The floor pattern is overpowering. Smile

smahalakshmi's picture

Nice arrangement of diyas.


judelined's picture

Beautiful arrangement of lamps Smile

r.suganthy's picture

- very thanks for my friends.