karthigai kolam

sudhabalakrishnan's picture


jkmrao's picture

Beautiful, sudhAjI! It would have been more perfect if you had taken care of the symmetry a bit more carefully.

Regards! - mOhana

sudhabalakrishnan's picture

thank you very much for the comments sir


Lata's picture

Very nice design and nicely executed! Borders are pretty too.

sudhabalakrishnan's picture

thanks for the comments lata,

Rajusree's picture

Very pretty design. With wet rice flour it's a splendid job.

vani's picture


lakshmiraghu's picture

Sudha.. wow!!nice rangavalli,it looks different...hmmm i will try this and upload it shortly...hope you will allow me...

sudhabalakrishnan's picture

lakshmi i think you really liked this kolam, you can try it as a inspiraTION KOLAM. THANKS A LOT LAKKS

nithyaashok's picture

wahhh! What a beautiful and nice rangloi with pretty border

sudhabalakrishnan's picture

thanks nithya , i was waiting for your comments.

nithyaashok's picture

Centre lamp design looks like sun rays, and fantastic!

Vinci's picture

Amazing kolam... grand look

anirudh's picture

very nice Sudhaji...the lamp with sun background...outer designs makes the feel of sun/light in different forms...ok making me to remember another song Smile ...ArunOdaya kaala, nirmala chirashaanthiya moola...better hear from this small girl, trying her best to give full credit as of S.Janaki...http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CJDpslr98II
and the original here http://www.s-anand.net/kannada/Sathi%20Sukanya~Arunodaya%20Kala/play

sudhabalakrishnan's picture

anirudh avare, namage comments bariyodhe yeshtu yochane madi barithivi, aadhare nimage instant aagi haadugalu barodhu thumba cheennagidhe, adhu ondhu bhavyavaadha kale. Any way thank you very much once again.

sudhabalakrishnan's picture

Rajushree maam, vani maam and vinci maam thank you very much. doo keep sending the comments which will get motivated to put more pretty kolams. thank you all very much.

nithyaashok's picture

without your permission, i have drawn this kolam in paper. I will try to put this tomorrow at my home and tell you how it is! Thanks for sharing this wonderful kolam sudha mam!

lavanya_pulgam's picture

it is so beautiful

dibbutn's picture

Sudha ma'am wow this is so so beautiful... the strokes used are such simple ones yet only an imagination so lovely can bring out the best in a kolam... very beautiful ma'am

Vasi's picture

Very very beautiful kolam.

sudhabalakrishnan's picture

thanks vASI,

nithyaashok's picture

Sudha mam, today i put this kolam in my house, everyone, said, excellent, it has come out well, once again thanks for sharing the beautiful kolam

sudhabalakrishnan's picture

hey nithya can you upload that kolam.

sudhabalakrishnan's picture

thanksa once again nithya

brindhanagesh's picture

Such a big maa kolam, wow Sudha. Great work. THe centre deepam is very beautiful. Each design is competing with the other. Nice treat for the eyes.

sudhabalakrishnan's picture

thanks a lot brindha for your good comments,

Sarasp's picture

Amazing!! Hats off to you.. How come the floor is green?

sudhabalakrishnan's picture

Saraswathi madam i am very much thankful for your comments.

rajamma_2's picture

Sudhaji, wonderful maakolam.
Free hand design with perfect circles looking great.
Some kolam s all will admire. but some somekolams all will admire and many will be tempted to copy and put it in their own style. yours is the second category. Let us see how many will try this.

sudhabalakrishnan's picture

your comments get me motivated to put more kolams like this. I really like the comments which you write. i know you are very busy, inspite of that tight schedule you spend time to browse ikolam , thanks having you as a ikolam friend. i will be waiting to read your comments. Thanks rajammaji.

saianandan's picture

Pls allow me to take print on this.

Lata's picture

I'll get back to you on this one after I hear from Mrs.Sudha, as she is the creator. Smile

jkmrao's picture

Thanks aniruddhajI for reminding a good song. Nice to hear from the lips of the little girl. I liked the way in which SPB was encouraging her. Went back to listen to Janaki ammA too! I used to like all SJ songs in my younger days, even before she became aasthAna vidvAn of iLayarAjA! I attended her concerts too, once in Coimbatore along with PBS and later her solo concert at Ravindra kalAkshEtra in Bangalore. From pagalE vennela to singAravElanE to gaganavu ellO, I have heard it all. Like suSIlA's unnaikkaMDu nAnADa at the time of dIpAvaLi, Janaki's yugayugAdi is a must at the time of yugAdi. It is a pity that the karNATaka government never honoured her with any award Wink

Regards! - mOhana