Inspirational Kolam 17
About Inspirational Kolam 17 : PRINT
Rangoli Dotted Kolam (connected dots): Inspirational Kolam 17 by abhijith

Rangoli Dotted Kolam (connected dots): Inspirational Kolam 17 by abhijith
Sun, 2015-07-19 20:40
The second one is vijay sowmya mam's kolam( from which i have created the first one with some extensions...Thanks to her...

Mon, 2015-07-20 09:43
Rangoli colored in pink looks pretty.
I have a question to ask you; while uploading rangolis, are you able to see the part with the following lable: "Optional: A few words about your rangoli: "? This is the part where you should include the original creator's url. THis way the url always appears on top of the works.
Please let us know if you have trouble entering details about rangolis in the area mentioned above.
Mon, 2015-07-20 19:16
Thanks a lot... There is no problem with the part "Optional: A few words about your rangoli: "? .It appears and accepts the data what we enter including the URL too.When we see the preview of our kolam just by clicking preview button the data which we have entered appears below the kolam but not on the top of the work as you say mam .As soon we save it using save button the data becomes invisible which is puzzling.... :quest:
Tue, 2015-07-21 11:26
Did I say top of the works? My mistake; the description part about a rangoli was designed to appear below the image/images. I've included the url of Sowmya's work in the description area, and I see that it does appear below the images. The idea was to keep the rangoli-details below the images, but above the comment area.
Netra sriram
Tue, 2015-07-21 00:32
Wondering to see an entirely new design from the creator's kolam.Keep it up... :star: :star: :star: :star: :star:
Fri, 2015-07-31 04:45
Wonderful kolam ...Very neatly made..the lamps , the lotuses...keep up the good to see more rangolis . Thank you very much for a beautiful design