inspirational kolam

ammuchandhini's picture
About inspirational kolam : PRINT

hai i was so much in luv after seeing this kolam that i tried on a marghazhi day

Rangoli: inspirational kolam


Lata's picture

You sure know how to spread a lot of luv Rani. Smile

Lovely roses and nice bold shades of color within the hexagon.

ammuchandhini's picture

Tonnnnnnnnes of thanks latha for yr sweet words with luv

alameluranganath's picture

very beautiful one

nithyaashok's picture

Lovely kolam with nice centre design

ammuchandhini's picture

thank u nithya ashok mam and alameluranganath mam for ur views

subashini's picture

indeed lovely kolam.

lakshmiraghu's picture

Helo Rani aunty ur kolam looks beautiful..roses has come out very well..nice strokes...keep it up aunty.....

ammuchandhini's picture

thanks subhashini mam and lakshmi a.........unty with regards nice that being in b'lore also u r able to log in

lakshmiraghu's picture

yes iam in B'lore now..

jkmrao's picture

This is a nicely drawn pattern, I like it. Could have coloured the roses.

Regards! - mOhana

rajamma_2's picture

stars surrounded by Lotus or cup and saucer? Feel like gifting you a bigger platform for the beautiful outer designs to bloom.

sreegiri's picture

very beautiful and the design is very nice.

ammuchandhini's picture

thank u mohana mam rajammaji and sreegiri sir for ur views thank u rajammaji for the gift

dibbutn's picture

Ammu maam I am in love with your kolam as well very pretty roses's picture

while posting kolams please also mention the number of dots to be kept.
The kolam is very nice. But unable to find the number of dots.

ammuchandhini's picture

thank u dibbutn mam yamuna by the way this kolam has 15-8 dots cross dots

judelined's picture

Rani if you had used that red and yellow for the alternate roses and the green for the leaves this would have been really pretty - I like this kolam Smile

sudhabalakrishnan's picture

lovely roses and the kolam looks very superb.