Holiday 2014

Purni's picture
About Holiday 2014 : PRINT

This Holi Play Your Music Low and Sway to the Rhythm of Colours!..... Smile
Happy Holi to All Our Friends...... Have Fun with Colours.... Smile

Rangoli: Holiday 2014


Suguna Murugesan's picture

Wow wow purni!!! Holi special rhythem of colours manathukku kuthookalamaa irukku :love: happy holi :party:

chandy's picture

What an innovative idea! Love it! Smile Smile :love: :love: :love:

thilakalakshmi's picture

Wow! It looks like buildings lit with colourful lights...! Smile :love: :star: :star: :star:

vijaysowmya's picture

Wow!!! Excellent Purni!!! Played with colours in the true spirit of holi. Happy holi to you.

umaraja's picture

innovative thought purni,,, super,,, :star: :star: :star:

dibbutn's picture

Wow Purni you always think out of the box... very pretty one dear

yams yamuna's picture

Very different mam!! its like a colour filled Bar Graph which used to decipher Data! Smile

ammuchandhini's picture

Wow....lovely idea purni...pattern looks so nice Smile

rojababu's picture

novel idea, executed perfectly purni Dirol Dirol Dirol

lakshmiraghu's picture

wonderful idea and beautiful creation