Happy Krishna Jayanthi

Sumathi.v's picture
About Happy Krishna Jayanthi : PRINT

This kolam done by my neighbour Rasiga signifies welcoming Krishna right from the entrance with the traditional Kumbam,Paneer and Santhnam,along with the fruit basket and the Pakshanam ( prasad) plate.You can also see the Asthathala Padma Padam towards the left hand side

Rangoli: Happy Krishna Jayanthi


Purni's picture

Good one, Sumathi Ma'am....

rajamma_2's picture

Sumathi, nice idea to welcome Krishna with all these things.Where is the butter?

jayamohan's picture

Butter got melted in the heat!

Sumathi.v's picture

Rajamma may be Krisnhna came and finished his quota of butter

judelined's picture

A unique way of tempting Krishna to walk into Rasiga's house Sumathi...