Guess who? Rangoli

Lata's picture
About Guess who? Rangoli : PRINT

Here comes a Chiku kolam for the "Guess who" game. The artist would also like you to name this animal. I don't see any more rangolis meant for this game, which means, after the guessing is over on this rangoli, the Game is over. Smile

Rangoli: Guess who? Rangoli


Lata's picture

Nice kolam! You could've sent a bigger image, there's more room for this animal to grow, you know. Smile

ashanagendra's picture

The animal is deer because the tail is short or it can be a doberman ,the artist is....(first of all I am confused whether it is computer kolam or maa kolam)Rajam ma'm ?

judelined's picture

I will go with Lama and I think it should be either Jaya or Surya...

rajamma_2's picture

It is Pushpa's creation.
If the tail is not there I'll say it is a Naarkkaali.
mmm now it looks like a doggy only.

lakshmiraghu's picture

My vote goes to pushpaji..
yes rajammaji it looks like doggy only...

jkmrao's picture

I like it, though it is an enigma. It is computer created, though looks like rice flour rangOli. I think this was drawn on paper and then a negative was taken. It looks like a chair or a dog and I agree with Mrs Rajamma in this regard. Who did this? It is a chikku kOlam done on computer and so the suspect is Mrs Judy, but I don't think it is she as the real artist wants to throw us off guard. Let me think if a bright idea occurs Smile

Regards! - mOhana

jkmrao's picture

My guess - either subhAshiNiji or DibbujI.

Regards! - mOhana

subashini's picture

once again "Naan aval illai" jkm sir.

dibbutn's picture

wow how i wish I had done this... but unfortunately I did not sorry folks... my guess is that it is a sheep/lamb... and I guess it is Judy ma'am's work...

anirudh's picture

looks like a red eyed deer/antilope.
Hmm... maavu kolam done by Pusphaji...second attempt?

Lata's picture

No one guessed my name!

subashini's picture

Yooou Latha!

Lata's picture

Guilty madam! Smile
Everyone guessed the animal name right, it could be a dog or a deer. Smile

anirudh's picture

oh Lathaji...hmm..tired hard going through all galleries, but did not except it was you.

lakshmiraghu's picture

Oh!!Lata congrats!!!

judelined's picture

And finally you got yourself to take part - good work...

judelined's picture

I actually said Surya - so I should get half points na??

Lata's picture

Anirudhji, actually, it was my fault. I should have just uploaded the first version (brown background), that I made using the murukku flour that my mom gave me when we visited India two yrs ago. But, you see, some of our friends are very good at recognizing the flooring. People who had seen the video twirley kolam, would know that it is my "flooring". So, I "lifted off" the white strokes and dots from the kolam and put them on a black computer generated background. I don't have much space in my entrance, and the driveway doesn't count (as we park our vehicles outside the garage, for convenience). So, I use my coffee table for making kolams sometimes (not all are in my gallery). Thank you for going through the galleries...this game has been a good way to make members go through other members galleries. Smile

Judy, yes, you are right! You did get warmer Smile

Thank you Lakshmi. Smile