Guess who?

pavan kashyap's picture
About Guess who? : PRINT

As you can see, this rangoli has been done using a computer program. Can you guess who it is?

Here is Pavan's description about his rangoli: hi lata aunty how r u?? i liked the game "guess who??" so i also created one rangoli i took 10 min do this.. my mom thought me this rangoli.. please use this rangoli for the game " guess WHO??" dots for this rangoli 17*1..(straight dots) done using photoshop...
thank u


Rangoli: Guess who?


Lata's picture

Who could it be this time? Smile

jkmrao's picture

lakshmijI and/or pavanjI!

Regards! - mOhana

lakshmi2000's picture

nice is it 13-1 straight lines

Purni's picture

My Guess is also Lakshmiji & Pavan.....

ashanagendra's picture

hmm.... it must be Pavan.

jayamohan's picture

I don't feel this is from Pavan/Lakshmi!
May be one of the 'NI's ie., purni, Vani, Subhashini.....

Purni's picture

Its definitely not me this time, Jaya Ma'am.....

lakshmiraghu's picture

My guess is Sumathi or Anirudhji.

Sumathi.v's picture

It could be Rajamaji's creation

pavan kashyap's picture

my vote goes to mOhanaji uncle.

jkmrao's picture

Once again, I am not the culprit, nAn avanillai Smile

About the drawing, it is quite nice. Too many colours though! I like the diagonal squares in the corners, they give a 3-d effect. They even look like tulasI brindAvana. Why is there that extra gray rectangle in the top square? Why I thought it could be pavan/lakshmI is the use of the eye catching background colour mix. Normally I don't do that way, nA sTailu vEru (my style is different Smile

Regards! - mOhana

gowri_ana's picture

is it Vani mam ?

anirudh's picture

nice coloring...the right boxes, did not get the lines straight...but adding quite a new design.
hmm....must be Vaniji or Maheshji Smile

Lata's picture

Asha, you got it right 100% this time. It was Pavan! Smile
mOhanaji and Purni, you two are also correct. Smile

pavan kashyap's picture

lata aunty,thanks for giving this oppurtunity to me mOhanaji uncle ur comments well noted the colours and 3-D effect was senn once the colours were given i just left it like that way since it was little different , yes i do have few mistakes which i will try to correct in my next presentation

thanking everyone for ur comments

lata aunty i like this game very much & from a distance i learn how to judge the presentation,look forward to keep more games like this way.....



jayamohan's picture

Pavan, I admit my poor guessing!
I will also enter this game soon and make you scratch your head!

pavan kashyap's picture

Jaya aunty let me play the game from today hehehe... aunty pl..let me know which rangoli ur going to load...then i will give the ans...

jayamohan's picture

Pavan, let me learn 'abcd' of photoshop from my Guru!

judelined's picture

Again I missed this guessing game - so sad Sad Sad Sad

Anyway Pavan this is really a nice creation - and what best way to learn than when you make mistakes?? Next time I am sure we can expect a more professional one from you Pavan Smile

anirudh's picture

haaa....Pavan, you too voted and confused me Smile ....will try my best next time Smile

radpri's picture

Ohoh even me also missed this guessing game
Pavan this is really a nice super kolam ....keep it up

gowri_ana's picture

Good work Pavan...

chandru0808's picture

too good pavan.very nice kolam.

sahanabala's picture

Hi pavan and the rest,

sorry i could not come online for somany days and my parents did not allow me to use the net and computer. I am undergoing the exam tention and my parents want me to score high marks.(every parent would want that) I am trying hard to keep in touch with paati and so that she can try to send the kolams that i draw here in s'pore.I have no choice but to study, score high marks and stay cool.
I hope you all like my kolam that i send after the exams.
i am sorry once more if you all are angry with me.

I have created a new ikolam account since i have a email add. Nice kolam pavan. It looks really beautiful.