friday kolam

ammuchandhini's picture
About friday kolam : PRINT

hai to all...this kavi kolam was done by durga (bil's wife)on a friday...yr views pl...

Rangoli: friday kolam


anirudh's picture

wow...nice double stroke design with apt kaavi coloring....the center design missed litte symmetry...but overall looks grand

rajamma_2's picture

super white/Kaavi kolam. white lotuson the kaavi is fantastic. double ezhai deepams also looking great.

alameluranganath's picture

very beautiful double ezhai kolam. superb one and gud one. super gt8

Padma Prakash's picture

wow, beauty as usual. you can make an album of all tuesday and friday kolams rani. Lotus and lamps have come out very nice. Overall a dazzling double line kolam.

jkmrao's picture

Very beautiful. The flower in the centre could have been avoided. It reduces the overall symmetry.

Regards! - mOhana

Rajusree's picture

Nice kolam with beautiful Lotuses.

dibbutn's picture

Durga maam such a wonderful work by you... love the lotus design and the net design and how can i not mention the lovely maroon coloring which adds to the beauty

madhuharini's picture

The strokes are very neat and very pretty lotus in kavi.

sreegiri's picture

beautiful kolam.

ammuchandhini's picture

thanks a lot to all of u for ur lovely words...i shall convey yr appreciations to durga...'s picture

It looks very grand and beautifull we can use the colour also nice design.

gvidhya's picture

Beautiful design.. Looking very pretty and neat. Hats off to Durga!

ualekya9's picture

that is very awesome.

ammuchandhini's picture

thanks a lot maha vidhya and ualekya9....

indira sundar's picture

very pretty....-Indira Sundar

judelined's picture

Lovely neat strokes Durga - you have decorated this kolam really well Smile

ammuchandhini's picture

thank u indra mam and judy...shall convey it to durga...

akilandeswari's picture

Hai ammu
Simple design but very grand look.