Freehand Rangoli and padi kolam

chandy's picture
About Freehand Rangoli and padi kolam : PRINT

Drawn on the ground floor of our apartment. An amalgamation of different kolams in our ikolam website. It is not bright because the floor was still wet when I took the snap.

Rangoli: Freehand Rangoli and padi kolam


Rajusree's picture

Nice combination kolam.

jayamohan's picture

Amalgamation is amazing! Nicely drawn and colored!

ammuchandhini's picture

lovely kolam chandy...

judelined's picture

So spread out, casual and neat. Chandy good work on a combination kolam Smile

anirudh's picture

nice combination of all, looks like madhubani painting

arunasivaji's picture

lovely design.nice kolam.

lakshmiraghu's picture

wow!! beautiful design..looks different keep it up waiting to see more and more

Vinci's picture

Looks great

Padma Prakash's picture

Cool colourful and beautiful kolam painting.

dibbutn's picture

Chandy maam one thing that draws my attention is ur wonderful thin lines... I can never get lines like this.. they are so good. Lovely coloring and neat presentation

sjnt's picture

nice fusion.

rajamma_2's picture

The amalgamation has produced a wonderful new design. Look like folk art. very nice coloring and pleasing to look at.

jkmrao's picture

This is quite good with pleasing colours, suitable for embroidery on a table cloth.

Regards! - mOhana

nithyaashok's picture

Veyr nice amalgamation kolam

sreegiri's picture

nice kolam

brindhanagesh's picture

LOvely kolam. As Rajam said this looks like the designs drawn on the walls of north Indian villages.