Freehand kolam

malar anand's picture
About Freehand kolam : PRINT

Hi friends,
this is also a margazhi kolam drawn by me in the morning with hibiscus flower. Your comments,

Rangoli: Freehand kolam


ammuchandhini's picture

Nice rangoli looking so beautiful with d hibiscus flowers malar... Smile

Suguna Murugesan's picture

wow lovely freehand kolam malar Dirol

lakshmiraghu's picture

beautiful kolam..nice strokes

umaraja's picture

neat and nice,, Smile , resembles vanis designs,,, was it an inspiration for this????

subashini's picture

Hibiscus flowers add the beauty to your palich kolam.very bright and beautiful kolam malar. :love: :bigsmile:

vijaysowmya's picture

Very pretty kolam with real flowers look nice Malar.

dibbutn's picture

Hibiscus flower makes this kolam even more beautiful, good one Malar Smile