Freehand design

aarchi's picture
About Freehand design : PRINT

Hi friends, Today i tried out a new Freehand design inspired my mehndi motifs. Please give your valuable comments. Smile

Rangoli: Freehand design


Shibrudha's picture

Superb Chitra. I love any design with peacock Smile Smile Smile

ammuchandhini's picture

Wow...chitra...what an execution pa...just too good...omg u r soooo good in doing intricate designs...thanks a lot for sharing dear :bigsmile:

lakshmiraghu's picture

chitra congrats.. :party: excellent creation...lovely strokes and intricate design.. ..keep it up..waiting to see more from you...

ammuchandhini's picture

Congrats on ur rod :bigsmile:

seevin18's picture

very nice. different idea.

aarchi's picture

OMG cant believe it ROD is my kolam. Thanks a lot selecting my kolam. Friends thanks for your encouraging comments which is inspire me to try more

G K HEMALATHA's picture

megandhi design kolathula super .peacock super :star: :star: :star:

Suguna Murugesan's picture

wowwwww!!!!! congrats for rod chithra Dirol nice intricate design...lovelely design Dirol :star:

Jayashree Patel's picture

Unique design, superb. Congrats on ROD

dibbutn's picture

Congrats on ROD Chitra dear... cute peacock with nice and intricate designs in them...

jayamohan's picture

Very nice, Chitra! Congrats!

aarchi's picture

thanks mam.

aarchi's picture

Thanks to all, for your lovely comments.

vijaysowmya's picture

Congratulations Chithra mam. Your mehndi inspired kolam looks very lovely and pretty. you have executed the intricate designs very nicely and patiently. :star: :star: :star:

aarchi's picture

Thanks sowmya

alameluranganath's picture

very nice and gud one. Smile Smile

aarchi's picture

Thank you Alamelu

BalaChandrasekaran's picture

hai chith fabulous. :star: :star: :star: :star: :star: :star: :star: :star:

subashini's picture

lovely pattern.congrats chithra for the rod. Smile

chandy's picture

Superb! :love: :love: :star: :star: :star: :star:

aarchi's picture

thanks bala, suba and chandy for your lovely comments

umaraja's picture

congrats chithra mam,, lovely design, kp it up :star: :star: