free hand drawing

vijayasabari's picture
About free hand drawing : PRINT

this is a free hand kolam drawn and coloured by my daughter .

Rangoli: free hand drawing


Vinci's picture

Handsome peacock in pride owning the prettiest shades on its feathers Smile Good work by your daughter.

ammuchandhini's picture

Lovely peacock rangoli...btw whats d age of ur daughter pl let us know....

smahalakshmi's picture

Excellent work.


umaraja's picture

fantastic wk by ur daughter, well colored, sharp strokes, superb

Pragaya's picture

Very beautifully drawn by your daughter. Peacock standing majestically in pride showing off its feathers.

jayamohan's picture

I appreciate you daughters skills in drawing and coloring this so nicely! How old is she?

vijaysowmya's picture

Pretty work done by your daughter .....well drawn and colored...

alameluranganath's picture

wow very nice and beautiful one.

Anisha Raghunath's picture

very beautifully drawn and coloured.......!!!!!

Sarasp's picture

Wonderful work by your daughter Mam' ! keep it up Smile

brindhanagesh's picture

lovely peacock.

dibbutn's picture

Wow Wonderful work and very beautifully colored and shaded... a very talented daughter you have, my regards and wishes to her... looking forward to more from her

ushavenkatesh's picture

neatly drawn and coloured mam.

jasree's picture

Very lovely peacock.. Convey my wishes to your daughter....

veena manigandan's picture

Very nice - Neatly drawn and beautifully coloured

lakshmiraghu's picture

Lovely peacock.well colored

mahimasharma's picture

beutiful rangoli drawn by your daughter.strokes ,coluring perfect.....

Dr.Rekha Shetty's picture

Very beautiful, nice work. The colour combination is so perfect that your daughter needs patting on her back. Love and prayers to her(you too look very pretty,Najar na lage)

rajamma_2's picture

Pretty peacock, very beautiful coloring.

rajaselvi's picture

its very nice! god bless you!

rajaselvi's picture
