Flower pot

malar anand's picture
About Flower pot : PRINT

Dear friends,
This is another kolam for you to see. I did this in paper..

Rangoli: Flower pot


Lata's picture

Nice flower pot and butterflies dotted kolam. I would like to teach my girls. Is this 13x5? Smile

rajamma_2's picture

Malar, we have already certified your drawings on paper, now can we demand real rangolis on the floor from you?
The flower/butterfly design is cute . the dot count is 13 dots 5 lines and then 11, 9, 7, 5 on both sides .... straight dots. OK?

malar anand's picture

lata ma'am thank U very much.

malar anand's picture

rajamma mam thankyou very much. now i am waiting for my baby. & taking rest in my mathers house. so i cann't do it on floor. i will try later. ok

judelined's picture

Oh congrats and wish you a safe delivery.... when is your baby due??? All the very best..... Indiravin saaiyil theriyudhu Malarin kolathil. All said and done it is a lovely garden with flowers and butterflies..

indira sundar's picture

Malar, nice flower pot and flowers..
Judy ma'am, thanks ... due date DEC 15..

lakshmiraghu's picture

very nice strokes..if coloured it would be grand..

judelined's picture

Oh so nice to have a baby during Christmas season - it is a real blessing.....

subashini's picture

"பூ பூவா பறந்து போகும்
பட்டு பூச்சி அக்கா
நீ பளபளன்னு போட்டிருப்பது
யாரு கொடுத்த சொக்கா"?
என்று உங்கள் குழந்தை சீக்கிரமே வந்து இந்த கோலத்தை பார்த்து பாட்டு பாட எங்கள் மனபூர்வமான வாழ்த்துக்கள் .அதற்குள் இந்த கோலத்துக்கு கலர் போட்டு விடுங்கள்.

indira sundar's picture

Congrats Malar!!!

Dear Friends,
Malar gave birth to a male baby just now.
