Flower for ikolam garden

alameluranganath's picture
About Flower for ikolam garden : PRINT

This picture my daughter lakshmi did yesterday for our ikolam garden. She is in 8th std now.

Rangoli: Flower for ikolam garden


Lata's picture

Thanks for a wonderful picnic table for our garden Lakshmi. We still remember your pistachio scenery that you shared a couple of years ago. Smile

ammuchandhini's picture

hai lakshmi kutty..now i know why latha had a table and chair seated in d garden...so it was ur idea..super...keep it up..

alameluranganath's picture

thank u lata and chandhini mam

judelined's picture

Wow what a pretty garden - complete with a fountain, lovely tables and chairs to enjoy the beauty, trees, lawn, flowers and what not.. Just like the sun I too am very happy to see this picture Lax kutty Smile

alameluranganath's picture

thank u judy for the comments i will make her read this.

anirudh's picture

pretty cool garden, i would love to sit in one of those chairs and enjoy the beauty....well done, thanks for sharing.

anirudh's picture

watch out "Barbie's in/ as Thumbalina" for creating magical gardens Smile

alameluranganath's picture

thanx a lot anirudh for giving your valuable comments for my daughter lakshmi thanx a lot

dibbutn's picture

Lakshmi this is done so nicely by you that it brought back memories of me when I was small... I too used to draw like this but definitely not as good as you... very pretty dear

rajamma_2's picture

so cute garden. very nicely drawn and colored.

alameluranganath's picture

thank u dibbutn and rajamma mam for the comments.