Floral Decoration for Diwali 2010

Mohandoss Rekha's picture
About Floral Decoration for Diwali 2010 : PRINT

Floated some flowers and 2 tea light candles in a bowl of water. Then placed those leaves and flowers around the bowl. kept some candles on the table bordering with the colored rice.Placed those greeting cards to convey the diwali wishes. I placed it facing the house entrance for a warm welcome Smile

Rangoli: Floral Decoration for Diwali 2010


Vinci's picture

Nice to see you back. Indeed a warm welcome to your guests. Beautifully arranged flowers which matches well with the flooring design. The lamps surrounded with flower petals are mesmerising. Nice Greeting cards too..

jasree's picture

Very cute floral arrangement.

ammuchandhini's picture

Lovely arrangement of d flowers and lamps and greeting cards...ur floor too has some design na...so cute...

dibbutn's picture

Lovely arrangement and the candle add to the beauty

Sumathi.v's picture

Lovely arrangement with simple items,very festive looking

lakshmiraghu's picture

Lovely arrangement

brindhanagesh's picture

Floral arrangement as well as the tile's design are beautiful.

jkmrao's picture

Well arranged floral design with lamps. Takes some effort to prevent them from sinking Smile Happy dIpAvaLi!

Regards! - mOhana

smahalakshmi's picture

Very nice floral arrangement with display of diwali greeting cards. The floor design also goes well with your arrangement.


rajamma_2's picture

Nice floral arrangements. Cute diyas. the outer leaves resemble bittergourds

viji_j86's picture

very intesting way to celebarte the function,
Pretty and bright idea.
thanks for sharing

ushavenkatesh's picture

lovely flower arrangement.

Mohandoss Rekha's picture

Thank you everyone Smile

Dr.Rekha Shetty's picture

very innovative .Nice flower arrangement and cards are kept at the right position

judelined's picture

Simple yet superb decoration Smile