Egg-shell painting 3(guess)

Dr.Rekha Shetty's picture
About Egg-shell painting 3(guess) : PRINT

i tried to draw one of the famous actress (may be TV or bollywood).Please guess and comment. Awaiting eagerly for your reply. Ammuji good chance this time, this is particularly made on your comment i will send gift for the correct guess (don't ask what will be the gift)

Rangoli: Egg-shell painting 3(guess)


Dr.Rekha Shetty's picture

Ammu maam ,uma maam ,Rao sir ,lataji,rajjamma i want u to be laughing loudly he he he he (only thing for that u have to read the comment once again very carefully .Small request)

rajamma_2's picture

There are so many comments from you. which one we have to follow? confusion!!!!

Dr.Rekha Shetty's picture

Rajjamma sorry to confuse u.It is from this page only dated 27th jan

Suguna Murugesan's picture

itz very boring plz declare the answer... -suguna murugesan

Dr.Rekha Shetty's picture

Sorry Sugesji and all the Ikolam members. My intension was not to make anyone boring infact, it was visa versa .But unfortunately it has not taken the turn as it should have been.
I was about to declare the name of the actress drawn in this egg-shell like any routine quiz on 27th Jan, but suddenly one thought came to twist the scenario and made the comment “Now the time has come for my guess” unfortunately only Rajpriyaska maam though late (great reading power) under stood what I wanted to tell .Others really interpreted it differently and I feel lost the charm .Still request to forget this comment and go back and see.
No No I don’t want to test your patience and waste your prestigious time any more …..
when I was drawing the picture in the egg shell in response to ammu maams’ comment ,the great actress of Hindi cinema ,Meena kumari was in my mind but the thought came why not make her hair straight(as Meena kumari had a curly, wavy hair) and make her face little oval than her round face .when I was nearing to complete I have realized Meena kumari has changed to Mal Sinha .So the moral of the story is that the right answer is Meena Kumari/Mal Sinha .
What a great great guessing work by Mr.Rao ,Subasini maam Indu maam,Jaymohan maam,Pragayaji and Rajjamma ..All of them are really a winner .Congratulation!. All of them deserve a beautiful gift from me .I know ammu maam will be very very jea………lous .
Ammu maam Kya huuva ? aapkeliye hum aur ek guess work bahut hi jaldi leke aayenge .Aur hameh barosa hi ki app sahi guess karenge .Aur hum aapko bahut hi kupsurat eenam bejenge .
Umma maam u really deserves a special prize for ur sincere effort.
Sugesji ,lataji and other members once again sorry for making u bore. At least amm maam and uma maam would have enjoyed if they understood my comment the way I wanted to

Lata's picture

Oh my god! :0
Rani, chalo aap aur mein kahin baag chalein! Yahaan rehenge tho hum dono ke baal soch soch kar jad jaayenge! :0
(I was just trying to run away with Rani to protect whatever little hair we've got left on our head! :0
We could literally feel our hair shed down from all the serious thinking we had done all these days!)

umaraja's picture

he he he hapada rekha has let out her golden secret, thanks a lot, when r u sending my consolation price? fast fast fast, , , ,,,

ammuchandhini's picture


ammuchandhini's picture

And see this uma even after soooo much of disappointment she is eagerly waiting for her consolation prize......tangaleppa....

Lata's picture

I think Uma is happy that the answer is finally out. Smile

ammuchandhini's picture

Not happy latha RELIEVED....HAHA...come on rekha u have any other guessing games in ur mind....come come share with us...this time i promise everybody will guess it correctly in their first guess itself...haha

Lata's picture

Sh...Rani, don't rush Dr.Rekha please...let me atleast order a wig for me and then you can ask her for more riddles. :0

rajamma_2's picture

Thank god! atlast the guessing came to an end.( luckily I came in the fag end and didnot scratch my head).
Rekhaji, , infact the nose is exactly like that of the famous actor Nimmi, the mouth twisted to the right side just like Madhubala's when she smiles.The eyes resemble of so many beauties of yester years.
You yourself were not sure who u r going to depict and finally got some face and left us guessing endlessly wasting our time .In the description you said T.V/ bolywood actress, thus misleading to some Todays actors. your 27th comment gives no clue to your answer..!
So the punishment for wasting our energy and time is.... draw a perfect picture and upload, then see our guessing power... even without clue u will get the answer. , but no mix up of features like this. ok?

ammuchandhini's picture

hahah latha as i have one already(only last week i bought...savurimudi for Rs50) ...i thought i was ready for another one ...sorry i didn't know u.don't have one...don't ur children take part in fancy dress or bharathnatyam dances....hahahaha

Lata's picture

I do have my daughter's javuri (or whatever they call the fake hair meant for braiding for bharathnatyam and such), but that doesn't cover the scalp dear! What use is a javuri if I'm a taklu at the top! :0

Lata's picture

Dr.Rekha, jokes apart, I must let you know that in these past six years or so, I haven't seen a riddle that has been so complex as this one! This was indeed a thrilling experience for me. I look forward to more of your interesting and complicated riddles. I'll try to do much better. Smile

ammuchandhini's picture


Suguna Murugesan's picture

yahooo..... result aagaya!!!! thanq rekhaji.. now mind is free hogaya.....suguna murugesan

ammuchandhini's picture

Hahahaha how i forgot d scalp...see nothing left inside as well as head...hahaha

ammuchandhini's picture

laksh come and say yes yes rani is absolutely correct...haha

lakshmiraghu's picture

hmm next to my house one wig shop is there any body wants ,,i will buy and parcel it to you friends...hahaha

ammuchandhini's picture

Hhahah latha now u r ready for another one yeh....not going to worry about no standby wig..haha...oh...laksh is already at d courier's office aah...ok ok...hahah

Lata's picture

Oh, I have a lovely shop in my area Rani/Lakshmi. I'll get a blonde one this time! I've been enjoying my black colored hair for so long, I'm longing to change colors! :0

rajapriyaks's picture

Thats great,,u have taken each and every beauty from every actress and created a 'all in all' beauty:-)

ammuchandhini's picture

Oh great then latha pl pl pl promise us u will change ur profile pic....hmmmmm a blonde beauty as our

ammuchandhini's picture

Congrats to rajapriyaks....hahaha

umaraja's picture

ha ha ha all my frnz r so happy today, jst bcos our dr has gvn us d ans so fast and clear, (aiyo aiyo aiyoooo) , atleast u ppl know some hindi artists, but i dont knw even a few, just brwsd so many artists fotos and tried to match with rekhas drawing, papu said, ma, u ve nt even worked so seriously for ur pg i hope, he he he, anyhow let me see what rekha is going to send, may b halwa,,

Dr.Rekha Shetty's picture

Thank you for spring me .I have prepared with bullet proof jacket and helmet .Rajjamma maam your suggestions and punishment I have taken very seriously. But let me explain the comment what I have made (27th Jan) is a part of joke and I wanted u people to enjoy the joke(I was fully aware that I was drawing Meena kumari with little modification and I have mentioned TV actress just to confuse) ..Maam Just imagine that today is 27th Jan and u r reading my comment (at the time of announcing the result) then what would have been your reaction?
After my comment I have done small research with small no. of people (my daughters and friends) all of them had same reaction. I will tell u after knowing your would be reaction.

umaraja's picture

c all my comments repeating, with funny spellings like price for prize, shows how crazy i ve become after getting d grt answr , my grt wishes to d winners, but pls dont share my prize,

ammuchandhini's picture

Uma i am imagining u banging ur head against ur dear stop or else u will become crazy....see pappu is so correct about ur phd done for this guessing game...and be ready 24x7 to receive rekha mam's consolation prize....even if i receive anything from rekha mam...i will redirect it to u...even after seeing u in this pitiable situation...won't i even do that for u happy...hahaha

Dr.Rekha Shetty's picture

Lataji, thank you and sorry .Frankly speaking i was really worried about ur migraine .Many a time i thought I will announce the result and infact I have typed the comment and then deleted. i wanted u people to enjoy the joke. Lataji this time i have protected myself with bullet proof jacket and helmet what i do next time?

Dr.Rekha Shetty's picture

Papu thank you, see how i motivated your mom to do research (as rightly suggested by Ammu maam), my next guess work will definitely give her doctorate degree .Please wait and see.

subashini's picture

At last you announced the result.Thank you Rekha madam.

jkmrao's picture

mAlA sinhA too is a great actress with beautiful almond eyes. How many of the present generation have watched the perennial classics like pyAsA and dhUl kA phUl? She is a nEpAli christian. Her maiden name was Alda and her friends teased her by calling her Dalda Smile That is when she changed it to mAlA. Actually mInAkumAri (mahjabeen bAnO) is a close friend of hers.

Regards! - mOhana

Dr.Rekha Shetty's picture

Thank you Rao sir for giving the interesting information about Mala sinha .And congratulation for guessing the right answer .I am too small in all the aspect to present prize for you. only i can request your blessings for my family ,me and all the ikolam members .I feel very happy to become member of ikolam, Which is really made up of very very lovely, active people from whom I can learn

smahalakshmi's picture

Dr Rekha, Thanks a lot for giving us the results,

