
rajapriyaks's picture
About Drawings : PRINT

These are the drawings drawn by me on paper..not imaginative...seen and drawn from internet or any books.these are rough drafts,,i will try any of my favourite drawing on white paper first..then will draw on any medium and colour and gift,,,

Rangoli: Drawings


smahalakshmi's picture

Though it is copied from somewhere, you have drawn it so neatly. Lovely design.


Vinci's picture

Nice. Reminds me of my mother's embroidery tracing paper pattern Smile

alameluranganath's picture

gud one

Dr.Rekha Shetty's picture

Rajpriya very nice and neat drawing

dibbutn's picture

Pretty floral pattern, will look nice as an embroidery pattern as well

vijaysowmya's picture

looks more like an embroidery pattern...neatly done.

lakshmiraghu's picture

pretty design......

ammuchandhini's picture

Nice drawings..ya vinci....me too having my mom's embroidery design on tracing papers....

rajapriyaks's picture

Thank you all..This one seen and drawn from zardosi kit..:-)

veena manigandan's picture

Pretty design. I think this can be used for glass painting.