dotted kolam

ammuchandhini's picture
About dotted kolam : PRINT

hai...this dotted rangoli 9-5 cross dots was done on a tuesday...yr views pl...

Rangoli: dotted kolam


vyjayanthi's picture

very bold and bright.

jasree's picture

Very attractive

Padma Prakash's picture

simple and cute.

Vinci's picture

Well made with your favorite lamps.. Stamens in the centre flower are not correctly placed.. .. This kaavi is too dark and gives a dull effect.. Judy will you help me with the last statement..

judelined's picture

Done in a hurry Rani?? Simple and nice Smile

sadana's picture

Simple and also neat

ammuchandhini's picture

thank u vyjayanthi mam, jasree, padma,vinci, judy and sadana....

dibbutn's picture

Rani maam simple and nice kolam but ya I too agree that the placement of the stamen was not taken care of here

ammuchandhini's picture

thank u push...ya I too agree...he he...

rajamma_2's picture

Rani, cute design,very nicely drawn with Kaavi. Lamps adding the charm.

ammuchandhini's picture

Thank u Rajamma mam....