Dotted Kolam

Purni's picture
About Dotted Kolam : PRINT

The Dot count for this Kolam would be 3-5-7-7-7-5-3(straight dots).

Rangoli: Dotted Kolam


rajamma_2's picture

Purni, it looks as though the peacocks are staring at the dancing of the flowers in the border.

radpri's picture

Wow super, neat, cute, beautiful, mind blowing....huffff no word ..... purniji...

indhu420's picture

great job... ur kolams r excellent!!!

Sumathi.v's picture

Dancing peacock and the border design looks nice

Purni's picture

Thanks a lot Rajamma ma'am, Radhaji, Indhuji & Sumathi Ma'am......

lakshmi2000's picture


lakshmiraghu's picture

purnima it is very beautiful...

Purni's picture

Thanks a ton, Lakshmiji....

judelined's picture

Excellent creation Purni - each part of the rangoli compliments the other - there is nothing I can say more than this...