Diwali rangoli

sahana123's picture
About Diwali rangoli : PRINT

This is free hand rangoli created on the occasion of Diwali 2007, at my in-laws home.

Rangoli: Diwali rangoli


lakshmiraghu's picture

sahana ,mee muggulu chaala bhagunnaayandi.mee kotha muggula koosaram edhuru choosthu untamandi..

bharathibhaskar's picture

Sahana ,nice one...

sahana123's picture

thank u for both LakshmiRaghu and BharathiBahskar !
i will try by best to create new designs!

vidhata's picture

Hi Chelli , Good one but I sincerely believe you can do even better with colors and chalk powder.Space and time are the constraints now .Right !

sahana123's picture

ok....i wii try to put a better one with colors for this pongal !