Diwali Kolam

alameluranganath's picture
About Diwali Kolam : PRINT

I put this kolam in arisi ma, on 16.10.2009.

And my hearty Diwali wishes to you and to ikolam people.

Rangoli: Diwali Kolam


anirudh's picture

nice one alameluji...the outer borders and the decorations have enhanced the rangoli more....thanks and wish you the same.

sjnt's picture

Very beautiful. I liked the wavy lines inside and the outer borders and minimum kaavi.

alameluranganath's picture

thanx a lot for all ur comments dear

jkmrao's picture

This is so nice! It is the wavy lines that gives beauty to this rangOli, they look like waves of joy Smile

Regards! - mOhana

alameluranganath's picture

thanku mohana. thanx a lot

dibbutn's picture

Very beautifully done Alamelu ma'am.. for a moment I thot it was done on computer... The black background gives the kolam an elegant look... the effort taken by you is commendable.. keep it up

alameluranganath's picture

thank u dibbutn thanx a lot.

lakshmiraghu's picture

it looks veyr beautiful..it looks like mat......... keep it up.

alameluranganath's picture

hi lakshmi

thanx a lot for the comments.

judelined's picture

The waves are really nice and the entire kolam looks complete....

alameluranganath's picture

dear judeji

thanx a lot for your comments

Mohandoss Rekha's picture

This is really attractive.. It is just pulling my sight.. Very beautiful Smile

alameluranganath's picture

thank u for the comments.

sudhabalakrishnan's picture

the strokes are simply superb, the background gives the extra effect for the kolam. thanks for sharing sir, anyways i wish you and your family a happy and prosperous new year 2010.