Diwali 2011 - Rangoli Ireland(2)

meenaranjani's picture
About Diwali 2011 - Rangoli Ireland(2) : PRINT

Hi All

Attached is the prepared Rangoli painting for the Rangoli carpet i mentioned in the earlier post. I've made 5 such pieces for the display.


Rangoli: Diwali 2011 - Rangoli Ireland(2)


BalaChandrasekaran's picture

wow wonderful presentation.

Shibrudha's picture

Excellent rangoli.

dibbutn's picture

Oh ok, you have given us a treat with a closer view of the kolams, thank you. This one looks so pretty, the lovely elephants and all the other designs superb. What is the base and the colors used?

jayasimha.rangarajan's picture

Wow really beautifully drawn. Nice and Colourful.

vijaysowmya's picture

Wow...Superb work done by you and this looks very pretty.

Chethan Srinivasan's picture

Excellent work done.

Janakannan's picture

Very beautiful work and wonderful presentation

smahalakshmi's picture

Marvellous Rangoli painting with lovely elephants around.