diwali 2006

ankita seth's picture
About diwali 2006 : PRINT

it is done with liquid color with the help of brush and decorated with diyas.

Rangoli: diwali 2006


judelined's picture

I think I have seen this before - right??

ankita seth's picture

oh no.. this a different one... i uploaded them together ... but they got featured at different time.... but yes i made them on diwali... but at different places..

rajamma_2's picture

looks like bright stars in the sky... good imagination.

sudhabalakrishnan's picture

Really very nice.

Lata's picture

Yes, this design is new, but only slightly different from the previous one. This looks pretty too. You seem to have a good control over your brushes Ankita. Smile

Ummm...it is time to reload Ankita. Smile