coloured Rangoli

hoove's picture
About coloured Rangoli : PRINT

one more ikolam Rangoli.. coloured..
Design is taken from judeline mam's posts.

The photo is not very clear..

Rangoli: coloured Rangoli


ammuchandhini's picture

half d kolam in dark and d other haif in bright sunlight looks soo good

sreegiri's picture

nice kolam.

sudhabalakrishnan's picture

bright , bold and beautiful kolam .

alameluranganath's picture

good one

rajamma_2's picture

u have done justice to the original kolam. nice coloring.

ushavenkatesh's picture

nice kolam

jkmrao's picture

Pleasant colours, good symmetry, pretty rangOli.

Regards! - mOhana

dibbutn's picture

Nice kolam and nice coloring

lakshmiraghu's picture

looks bright...keep it up

judelined's picture

Thank you Hoove for honouring the kolam I uploaded - it looks lovely with colouring - neat work Smile