Collage Rangoli

Sumathi.v's picture
About Collage Rangoli : PRINT

My daughter Aparna,created a collage rangoli with all the left over color powder.

Rangoli: Collage Rangoli


sjnt's picture

Centre white chalk powder gives a good contrast to this rangoli. Nice one.

Lata's picture

Very beautifully done Aparna. The alternating blue and white strokes make the center design pop out. Smile

jkmrao's picture

aparNA drawing parNAs, very good effort. Keep it up!

Regards! - mOhana

anirudh's picture

nice coloring and it neermele kolam?...very good

mamasan1951's picture

kolam is good.

brindhanagesh's picture

Beautifully done Aparna.

dibbutn's picture

Nice done kolam... the glitter adds to it

lakshmiraghu's picture

Beautifully done Aparna!!!nice colouring..... keep it up. all the best.waiting for ur new creations,

rajamma_2's picture

Aparna, nice work, it looks like a rolling drum design!

judelined's picture

Wow, cool work Aparna... I just love the way you have made the blue border, looks rich.. maybe the glitter makes it so...

radpri's picture

wow nice & cute design