chikku kolam dots with 13-7 interlaced dots

vasumathy sathish's picture
About chikku kolam dots with 13-7 interlaced dots : PRINT

This kolam I have done in plastic (polythene)cover which we get while shopping.
Rangoli Chikku Kolam: chikku kolam dots with 13-7 interlaced dots by vasumathy sathish

Rangoli: chikku kolam dots with 13-7 interlaced dots


revathiilango's picture

Very new & cute.

vasumathy sathish's picture

Smile thanks revathi mam

RaghaRadha's picture

New Name in the creation-EXTENDED CHIKKU- Creator By Vasumathy.

vasumathy sathish's picture

Smile thanks rAdha mam

Abhijith Vijayakumar's picture

nice try

vasumathy sathish's picture

Thanks abhijith ji Smile