Chikku kolam
About Chikku kolam : PRINT
Straight dots: 9 -1
Chikku kolams - my anyday/anytime favourite... Just wanted to illustrate on photoshop the separate section of this chikku kolam I made recently for the benefit of learners. Hope I have made it easy enough...

Mon, 2010-06-21 17:02
Yes, you've made it easy. Good idea.
Mon, 2010-06-21 17:45
hai judy...nice try...but pl whenever u get give us a demo on small small topics in would be very useful...
Mon, 2010-06-21 18:15
Novel way of illustration! Judy, timely thought!
Mon, 2010-06-21 21:47
Thanks Lata and Jaya. I was in two minds when I did this because I thought I was spoiling the look of the natural kolam but then I decided that this would be good for the benefit of those who are learning how to draw chikku kolams and went ahead. My dear friend Rani, you are most welcome to come to my house anytime for photoshop lessons - I will be pleased to teach you
Padma Prakash
Tue, 2010-06-22 01:30
Hai, Judy nice idea of teaching (I was a lecturer before) and succeeded too. Students will definitely like this and will not bunk the classes. Like Rani, even I am very much interested to learn to draw kolams in photoshop. How do I? can you teach us online. OR do I have to join a course? pls suggest
Tue, 2010-06-22 02:02
excellent idea easy to learn waiting for more like this
Tue, 2010-06-22 03:43
பார்க்க சுலபமாகத்தான் இருக்கிறது. நானும் இப்போதான் சிக்கு கோலம் போட கற்றுகொள்கிறேன். எனக்கு மிகவும் உபயோகமாக இருக்கும், Judy.
Tue, 2010-06-22 08:26
Very novel idea judy maam. I will also try this oneday.
Tue, 2010-06-22 18:43
i am watching the volume of comments offered by ikolam friends for sometime .it is seen that chikku kolams attract very few; may be not intrested ,for chikku kolams seems difficult to follow and to draw.i think your illustrations will turn more eyes on chikku kolams . most welcome
Wed, 2010-06-23 00:29
Chikkale illaadha sikku kolam, Judy, u could have used THICK white line instaed of black to differentiate it.
Wed, 2010-06-23 06:38
Judy cute sikku kolam and I admire sikku kolams too a lot... as Veni maam pointed I hope we get to see more and more sikku kolams
Wed, 2010-06-23 22:50
Thank you Padma, glad you are not going to bunk class
I think the best way to learn to draw on photoshop is by yourself. Look up the net for tutorials and follow them step by step. You have to play with the keys yourself and discover new things - that is the only way you can master it. Atleast that is how I learnt
Thank you Lax and Brindha I am glad that you will learn how to draw chikku kolams from my tutorials (more to follow now that the demand has increased) and eagerly wait to see a few from you soon.
Thanks Padma, waiting to see yours too
Veni I agree with you when you say that most people are attracted to pookolams than chikku kolams because that is very easy to draw as all you have to do is join the lines in different shapes whereas chikku kolams need you to wind and interwind in intricate and confusing patterns. My sole interest is to increase the curiosity of those who don't experiment chikku kolams with the hope that they will get to know how easy this is and try it out some day. If atleast one person ventures to put a chikku kolam (those who have never tried I mean) that will be a success for me. Even if you look at kolam contests, 99.9% of the submissions are rangolis or pookolams only. So three cheers for chikku kolams - HIP HIP HURRAY!!
Rajam, in fact I put white only first but when I compared the white and the black line - the white was merging with the kolam and making it a bit confusing so I decided on black - thanks for your valuable suggestion anyway - and thanks for your comment too
Thanks Pushpa - chikku kolams always ROCK
Sun, 2010-06-27 23:17
nice illustration judy....i need to post my new sikkus, which i have tried
Fri, 2010-08-06 03:54
Hey Anirudh, waiting for your sikku kolams???