Chikku kolam

dibbutn's picture
About Chikku kolam : PRINT

After a long time I did a photoshop kolam. It is a chikku kolam with dot count 21-1 straight dots. Hope you all like it. Smile

Rangoli: Chikku kolam


Suguna Murugesan's picture

Wow what a wonderful creation pushpa !!!!! Pleasing colours looks like a greeting card Smile

vijaysowmya's picture

Wow..Excellent Pushpa.!!!Well made chikku kolam with wonderful colours. :star:

drshireesha's picture

Wonderful...i find chikku kolam so difficult even on paper n photoshopping..its just amazing..:)

umaraja's picture

well created with gud color combo


Wow Pushpa mam, very beautiful creation... Wonderful coloring... Superb job... Smile

vidhyaprasu's picture

Hello pushpa... why so gap....very nice with yellow background.

anirudh's picture

superb creation Pushpa, now egarly waiting for the floor version Smile
:star: :star: :star:

subashini's picture

super,super and super creation from you after a long time.waiting to see more from you pushpa.

lakshmiraghu's picture

very beautiful creation.