Chalk kolam in Singapore !!!

gowri_ana's picture
About Chalk kolam in Singapore !!! : PRINT

camphor and match sticks kolam... This one also my moms favourite..

Gowri Manohari Narayanan...

Rangoli: Chalk kolam in Singapore !!!


rajamma_2's picture

Gowri, idhu enna thousandwaaala crackers in Singapore kolam? its banned there no?

Purni's picture

Very nice, Gowri..... First, I too thought, this to be Thousandwala crackers(impact of my visit to my parents in Sivakasi).... But Rajamma Ma'am, if crackers are supposed to be banned in Singapore, lets' think of them as Flower Garlands... enna naan solrathu?...

radpri's picture

simply superb.....

judelined's picture

Hey Gowri, I can see your hand on the top corner of this picture - then who took this picture??

When we were kids there were no thousand wallas and all so we used to tie the famous 'oosi vedi' like a garland and burst them together and it used to look just like this - nice memories - thanks Gowri for kindling them...

lakshmiraghu's picture

Gowri thousand wallas looks good.keep it up

jkmrao's picture
Lata's picture

Thousandwala is the name of a particular type of firecracker.
Here is a picture of a smaller version of what a thousandwala is made of:

Since the arrangement (and size) of the lines in the border are more or less similar to those of matchsticks, Gowri has referred to this kolam as matchsticks. And, about camphor (my guess would be the circles at the four corners of the borders), I'm sure she will enlighten us once she gets back from her trip. Smile

chandru0808's picture

very nice kolam.I like thousandwala design in this kolam.Where did you get thismuch space in Singapore? Is it inside your room? Nice one.Let me also try ..

jayamohan's picture

Thousandwala border and vishnu-chakram in the corners? Happy Diwali!

gowri_ana's picture

Wow ---- i never knew this kolam was uploaded...I is not reflected in my gallery... thank you all liked it ... yes sound generating crackers are banned in Singapore... This space is front of my home ... its a HDB house like in india government built apartments.. Singapore is really very spacious in-spite its a very small country...

About this kolam the middle kolam is what my mom calls karpuram - champhor arranged to form a star, the diamond signs are the camphor... as usual i got some crazy idea for the border and it came up good.

the photo i tried to take from the nearby hanging pot,, but the picture only covered my finger.. cos at home my mom was questioning that "lazy gowri are you really putting these kolams" hence i wanted to prove her by giving a pose with the kolam i have made...

Thanks all...
gowri manohari narayanan.

Lata's picture

Hi Gowri, I had been busy with the imehandi website work lately, and so had not been channeling all of our members' files into their respective galleries the same day they get uploaded. But, the files always carry the artist's names with it, and "live" in this site, whether they live inside the gallery folders or outside the gallery! Smile
I'm sure all of your kolams will get settled into your folder, one of these days! Smile

lakshmi2000's picture

nice how many dots