
Sumathi.v's picture
About Chaitanya : PRINT

This rangoli called Chaitanya is drawn based on the Principle of Goddess Saraswathi.So doing this rangoli on the days dedicated to Goddess Saraswathi will attract and transmit the Deity's Princilple to greater extent. This rangoli is taken from a book called "Sattvik Rangoli"

Rangoli: Chaitanya


Lata's picture

Got to buy this book on my next visit. It is indeed inspiring to learn about the different names, and their significance.

jkmrao's picture

A good pattern,
even though the photograph seems to be distorted.
However, I am a bit confused about its relation to sarasvati. The rangOli contains two-colour svAstikAs. I am not sure about how this is connected to either sAtvika bhAva or sarasvatI. I am writing this to know about the logic in this. I humbly inform that I have no other intention in raising this topic.

Regards! - mOhana

Sumathi.v's picture

Thanks Mr.Rao for your comments. I actually dont know much about this principle or how the rangoli is related to Sathivik.Infact I even tried to google search the contents but I couldnt get any clear information. I got this book from the Hindu spritual fair held in Chennai last year. So I thought I would share a few rangoli and the explanation given in that book with our Ikolam friends.

lakshmi2000's picture

how many dots

radpri's picture

Lakshmiji this kolam 13x13.. very nice..keep it up...

madhuharini's picture

very nice,where did u get this book?

judelined's picture

Interesting information Sumathi...

rajamma_2's picture

Sumathi, enge kaanaama poyitteenga?
Your writtings about Saraswathi is new.
When We went to Bhadrinaath, on our way back we had a Dharshan of Saraswathi river's starting place.She is seen there only for a short strech and after that she goes underground.The peculiar green colour of Her is still very vivid in my eyes.

Sumathi.v's picture

RajamaJi I missed your birthday.Anyway belated birthday wishes to you. I met Rukmini's daughter and told her to convey her mother about our contact. I was held up with some guests at home so I only had time to check my mails. I hope to be in touch regularly here after.
Have you visited the Sarawathi temple at Kuthanur near Thiruvarur. It is quite famous with the Godess Saraswathi sitting with her Veena. Students throng this place before the board exams and pray with a pen along with the regular Archanai thatu.

lakshmiraghu's picture

Good design nice coliurs also keep it up sumathi

Purni's picture

Its very neat, Sumathi Ma'am.... Colours and details have come out so well.... Thanks a lot for sharing the significance of this Kolam.... Just keep up your Good work....