Cake for ummaji and her darling hubby

Dr.Rekha Shetty's picture
About Cake for ummaji and her darling hubby : PRINT

Ummaji sending cake for ur birthday and marriage anniversary .please let me know whether u liked it .I took lot of pain to paint it pink

Rangoli: Cake for ummaji and her darling hubby


umaraja's picture

wow wow wow........... fantastic cake from my lovable friend, thanks a lot dear, mmmm looks yummy but let me wait to taste till d paint dries, thanks a tonne dear

Dr.Rekha Shetty's picture

Umaji now u can try a hand with ur darling .Don't finish everything papu, ammuji and me join later on

umaraja's picture

done, let me share a bit with raja when he comes for lunch, and lets all have a pink treat of paints this eve along with rani, he he he

vijaysowmya's picture

Very pretty pink cake:)

bsindhuja's picture

Such a cute looking cake. Yummy!!!

viji_j86's picture

Oh very pretty cake dear.

ammuchandhini's picture

Oh cute pink cake....uma now that d paint has dried ...haha...come and taste this....

julien's picture

wow reka mam., what a wonderful decoration cake.,,,,, uma very nice gift to Reka Mam., Happy Anniversary dear... & B'day wishes too...