Butterflies & Blossoms rangoli

Lata's picture
About Butterflies & Blossoms rangoli :


Dr.Rekha Shetty's picture

Understood the concept of 10x10.This butterfly kolam is very nice .One thing what i observed is that the dotted kolam is very very tricky and difficult than the freehand kolam where we don't have to use our brain like in dotted kolam .”Hats Off to U and other members who try every time to bring some newness in their kolam

rajamma_2's picture

Rekhaji, both dotted and free hand kolams deamand brain work. Free hand design needs your brain to imagine and produce new things, it can think without restricting to any boundaries. same way dotted one also imagination less, but reproduction more. The first one is like writing a poem , the other one is as answering the 'Q' paper in the exam.

veena manigandan's picture

Beautiful kolam. Butterflies and flowers are so nice and colour used is very pleasant.