Bloomed Rose

dibbutn's picture
About Bloomed Rose : PRINT

Since many of you wanted to know how the bloomed rose was done, here I am giving the rose done using paintbrush and edited using photoshop. Dot count 7 to 4 intermediate and 1 dot on all sides. Hope this is helpful. Specially done for Rajamma maam and Suba.

Rangoli: Bloomed Rose


Suguna Murugesan's picture

wow super!-suguna murugesan

ammuchandhini's picture

Wooo...thanks for d dotted pc version push....really it would help us to try pa...

alameluranganath's picture

nice kolam

anirudh's picture

very nice thank you

veena manigandan's picture

Nice work - easy to understand your rose kolam now.

jkmrao's picture

Good job, serves as a nice guidance for drawing.

Regards! - mOhana

rajamma_2's picture

Thank u push. yes I also use such methods of drawing inbetween dots to get new designs.

jkmrao's picture

I will give you an idea to create more such patterns. Take a picture and on it overlay a graph paper with dots (square or hexagonal) and adjust its size and voila, you have a dotted pattern.

Regards! - mOhana

subashini's picture

Thank you so much pushpa.I will try it .I like it very much.

BalaChandrasekaran's picture

very nice and easy to understand, thanks push.

ammuchandhini's picture

Hiiiiii...push good morning...why absent yesterday without submitting leave letter...haha

dibbutn's picture

Hi Rani mam, illa pa had gone to mom's house pa

ammuchandhini's picture

Oh ok ok...all fine na...

dibbutn's picture

Ya dearie fine pa... I recently went to Jayanagar shopping complex i bought colors pa which were mixed with kolapodi... looking nice but am feeling so bad to use it.

ammuchandhini's picture

Oh great...why da u do all kolams indoor u can recollect them once ur kolam is done....

dibbutn's picture

The one i do on the kitchen top i can re-collect pa but the ones i do outside in my vaasal i cant cos it will be difficult with the maakolams.

ammuchandhini's picture

Ya....once ur maakolam dries if we collect those cols they get mixed with d scrapped maavu na...

ammuchandhini's picture

Oh my hell...power cut pa...only 5 mins back up....see u dear after sometime.....bye ...

smahalakshmi's picture

Thanks for the dotted version of your pretty fully blossommed rose kolam, which was dedicated to me.