Birds -twins

julien's picture
About Birds -twins : PRINT

this birds kolam are created by anuradha (relative girl, age is 11). really i appreciate... the girl.,

dots 15-3 straight dots., stop 5

Rangoli: Birds -twins


anirudh's picture

good one...pls keep encouraging her to draw more....thanks for sharing

ammuchandhini's picture

Nice kolam made on paper...

Vinci's picture

Nice drawing
Talented girl, Keep encouraging and convey my wishes to her.

lakshmiraghu's picture

looks nice...

judelined's picture

Good job by a 11 year old Julien - hope to see more from her..

Pragaya's picture

Very nice kolam by a 11 year old child. Encourage her to put more such kolams on paper and subsequently on the floor.

P.Veni's picture

Very nice.

Dr.Rekha Shetty's picture

very inovative she needstbe moti ated as rightly said by anirudh .Congrats baby!

vijaysowmya's picture

Very pretty bird kolam done by such a young girl

umaraja's picture

pretty submission of a 11 yr kid who deserves loud claps

bsindhuja's picture

Kolam is drawn very cutely by this little girl!!