Avial for our picnic

brindhanagesh's picture
About Avial for our picnic : PRINT

15 x 15 dot count. Not a regular combination for avial. Let us taste a new recipe Smile

Rangoli: Avial for our picnic


ammuchandhini's picture

hai brinda mam...as usual ur rangoli has come out sooo naturally that all d leaves r looking so real mushroom has also come out so well...

judelined's picture

This is what I was looking forward to Brindha - and finally a real kolam - thank God Biggrin Perfect picture this is. Every part looks so lovely and makes me want to believe that it is a rug. Thanks for this visual treat Biggrin

rajamma_2's picture

Brinda, is it calcutta Aviel recipe?The mushroom, pumpkin , murungakai all r tempting. The leaves are lovely. Another visual treat from u.

Rajusree's picture

U're always an expert in drawing n coloring.THis has comeout so well., that somebody shud say that it's akolam. Excellent one. Again a visual treat from a perfectionist.

P.Veni's picture

As usual your Kolam looks verrrrrrrrrrrry beautiful...

jayamohan's picture

Nice kolam for veggie patch! You could have drawn brinjal instead of the central flowers to make it a 100% veg. kolam!
Mushroom is a new idea and has come out well!

dibbutn's picture

Fantastic work Brindha maam ... everything is beautiful in this..

anirudh's picture

wonderful....hmm smelling the nice avial...it would be special with added mushrooms too....very nice brindhaji, looks like colorful carpet.

lakshmiraghu's picture

Fantastic work Brindha!!!yes judy ur right

Sumathi.v's picture

Simply superb very artistic and pretty

Vinci's picture

An innovative new recipe for avial with Pumpkins, Mushrooms which steals the show, bean pods and chilli to add the spicy flavour. A real feast to eyes.

gvidhya's picture

Asathuringa brinda.. Veggies are looking so real..

jkmrao's picture

Good job! I like the mushrooms!

Regards! - mOhana

malar anand's picture

brinda mam yur avial is vry super..... wow...

brindhanagesh's picture

Thanks Malar Smile